Getting the most out of this forum

Karen A. Thomas
Administrator Posts: 2
Here are some tips and tricks for using this forum:
- Use the reactions. These let you share how you feel about other’s comments. The most liked content shows up on the Best Of page.
- Mention others. Put an @ symbol before the username to mention someone. They’ll get notified when you do.
- Update your notification preferences. You’ll receive a notification if someone mentions you or posts to a discussion that you’ve bookmarked. You can set notifications from the Edit Profile page.
- Send messages. You can private message members by going to your inbox, or visiting their profile page (click their username anywhere).
- Don’t want to see everyone’s signature? You can hide signatures by going to Edit Profile > Signature Settings.
- Check out the forum from your mobile phone. Just go to the forum URL in your browser - no need to download an app.
- Want to embed a YouTube video, a Pinterest Pin or a Tweet? Just paste in the link. Vanilla will handle the embedding for you!
- Check out what’s going on with other community members on the Activity page.
Have fun!
Wow, I didn't know about some of these, thanks!
- All Categories
- 8 How does research work at Open
- What is research at Open like?
- Experiences as a participant
- 2 How do I sign up?
- How can Open improve our community research?
- 1 What would you like to research?
- 8 Open Community (Open to all)
- 5 Welcome and Introductions
- 1 Coffee Lounge
- Competitions and special offers
- 1 Open Community Help and Support
- 1 My Community Spaces
- 1 Under 30's space
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- The Elders space
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- Ethnically diverse+disabled space
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- 18 My Life Discussions
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- 4 Education and training opportunities
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- 1 Blind Institute of Technology Academy
- 3 Daivergent
- My Feedback
- Looking for help?
- 7 General
- Support
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